“The Way of Light”
a site-specific sound/light installation
April 10 & 11, 2014
C.K. Cama Hall
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai, India
Based on six years of dialog with experimental filmmaker Shumona Goel. I was commissioned to create an immersive sound and light experience for her project “The Way of Light” which included also the set-design of Tabasheer Zutshi and the lighting design of Avijit Mukul Kishore.
The work took place in C.K. Cama Hall which is a cultural center for Mumbai’s Parsi community – and was located in
the Kala Ghoda district of the city. The piece was presented
in a controlled atmosphere of four distinct presentations to an audience that was instructed to still their minds and enter into a state of reception.
It was a remarkable event in as far as that my sound work is quite inspired by Indian aesthetics about sound and meditation and here I found that I was given the opportunity to offer my own hybrid form of meditative sound experience back to the culture that originally inspired me. Many of the audience remarked that this work was an invitation for them to return to practices that they have known since childhood but in the hectic speed of modern India, have often neglected.
“it was intensely powerful which made me travel through the cells of my body. it was as if light being infused through the nervous systems and entering every cell of my body.” – Parul Thacker
“It was a wonderful experience. I have never witnessed anything like this before.” – Rashida Amir